Claremont Symphony Orchestra


Non Profit Organizations

About Us

The Claremont Symphony Orchestra is an all-volunteer community orchestra based in Claremont, California. Led by Music Director Robert Sage, CSO marks its 67th season providing FREE classical music concerts to Claremont and its neighboring communities.

The Claremont Youth Symphony Orchestra is sponsored by the Claremont Symphony Orchestra Association. In 2019-2020 CYSO celebrates its 37th season providing young people an opportunity to hone their performance skills in an orchestral setting.

All concerts for both the CSO and CYSO take place in Bridges Hall of Music, 150 E. 4th Street, Claremont, CA 91711. Bridges Hall of Music is at the corner of 4th Street and College Avenue on Pomona College campus.

Rep/Contact Info

Card image cap
Cecilia Cloughly

Our Office

Located to the rear of the La Verne Construction Building at : 2076 Bonita Ave. La Verne, Ca 91750

Contact Us


Office Hours

Monday – Friday

Currently the Chamber is short staffed – Please call for appointment
Saturday & Sunday Closed