Metropolitian Water District
About Us
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is a regional wholesaler that provides water for 26 member public agencies to deliver - either directly or through their sub-agencies - to nearly 19 million people living in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego and Ventura counties. The district imports water from the Colorado River and Northern California to supplement local supplies, and helps its members develop increased water conservation, recycling, storage and other resource-management programs.
To supply its service area with reliable and safe water, Metropolitan owns and operates an extensive water system including: the Colorado River Aqueduct, 16 hydroelectric facilities, nine reservoirs, 819 miles of large-scale pipes and five water treatment plants. Four of these treatment plants are among the 10 largest plants in the world. In fact, Metropolitan is the largest distributor of treated drinking water in the United States. The District imports water from the Feather River in Northern California and the Colorado River to supplement local supplies. It also helps its member agencies develop water recycling, storage and other local resource programs to provide additional supplies and conservation programs to reduce regional demands.
Rep/Contact Info

Luis Cetina
Principal Regional Affairs Represenative
- Phone: (213) 217-7662
- Send an Email
- 700 Alameda Street Los Angeles CA 90012
Jacquelyn Mercado
Government & Regional Affairs Representative
- Phone: (213) 217-6939
Our Office
Located to the rear of the La Verne Construction Building at : 2076 Bonita Ave. La Verne, Ca 91750
Contact Us
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
Currently the Chamber is short staffed – Please call for appointment
Saturday & Sunday Closed