Tony Daher DDS, Inc.
Dentists & Orthodontics
M, T, TH 8:00 a.m. –5:00 p.m.
Driving Directions:
Corner of Foothill and Wheeler
About Us
Our entire team is committed to providing our patients with the most thorough, up-to-date treatment available to take care of your restorative and/or implant needs. We are concerned with treating each patient individually, providing the proper treatment, no more or no less, than that is needed in a complete but conservative manner.
We also are committed to working with you to provide the long term maintenance that is essential in keeping your dental health at its highest level.
We recognize that how we treat you as a person is as important to you as our training and education. As a result, you will find that our top concern is always your well being. From seeing you on time to doing everything we can to make your treatment a success, your satisfaction is our top priority.
Our Office
Located to the rear of the La Verne Construction Building at : 2076 Bonita Ave. La Verne, Ca 91750
Contact Us
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
Currently the Chamber is short staffed – Please call for appointment
Saturday & Sunday Closed